Technology and dance

I think that technology today have a very important role, because of if tou don't use it, is like if you don't exist.
Today socialmedia is like your curriculum, there you can show to the world "who" you are and what you do.
In my carrear seems to be that the image you show to the world by socialmedia is most important than your real work. So people judge you by the character you pretend to be. And I think that is very sad, because you will never know with who you are really interacting to.
People talk about that dance career creates comunity, but that is not real when dancers dance just to show how beatiful they are.
I think that technology could be a double-edged weapon.


  1. I agree with you, over all with social media is like a resume. Today it may be a little dangerous upload content to our instagram or facebook, when that plataform it should be for our entertainment.


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